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Better Life

What If It Turns Out Better Than You Planned

Dec 31, 2016

What is it about new beginnings that feels so exciting?

For me, I think it’s the idea of a "clean slate”.  No mistakes.  You’re not “behind”.   It’s another chance to do things “right”.  

But what does it really mean to “get things right”…?  

What if there was no “wrong way” for things to turn out…what if everything always turns out the way it’s supposed to…what if every (perceived) failure was actually the way things were supposed to turn out…a burnt supper, a broken glass, a stubbed toe, spilled milk, a speeding ticket, the loss of a job…?

The end of a marriage…

What if each of those “mistakes” or “failures” or “losses” was life unfolding exactly as it’s supposed to, I mean after all, some of those things we could prevent, some we might be able to prevent, but some we can’t – at least not by yourself.  

And what about the mistake or failure that looks like a failure at first glance, but eventually you see that it really was a blessing?  What about the wrong turn on a road trip that leads you to the most beautiful hidden spot?  Or the minor injury that required a visit to the ER and uncovered an illness that is treatable because you caught it early?

I don’t know for sure whether this is all part of some master plan or whether it’s just coincidence but what does seem clear to me is that “mistakes” aren’t always a "bad" thing – sometimes they lead to wonderful destinations and experiences that we wouldn’t trade for anything.  And sometimes they don’t. But what if we let go of our judgment as to whether or not something is a mistake or a failure in that moment.  

What if we trusted that everything is unfolding exactly as it should and that even when something that looks like a failure right now, it could show itself to be a blessing in the future.  

What if we just released our attachment to the outcome and just did our best (whatever our best is in that moment!) to deal with everything as it happens.  

What if we faced each "failure" or "mistake" as an opportunity rather than an obstacle or a set back?  

What if we got curious or even excited when things don’t go as planned, wondering if it might lead to something better than what we had planned?  

And what if we took action based on that belief?  What would your life look like then?  No more regret, no more beating yourself up, no more feeling sorry for yourself, no more blaming, (yourself or others).  

Does this sound too good to be true? 

It’s not.  

Because the truth of the matter is, it’s entirely up to you.  You have the power to choose how you deal with life and all of its amazing twists and turns.  When life takes you “off course”, you can choose to see it as a road block or an obstacle, and sit around and be sad and disappointed that things didn’t go as planned, or you can choose to see it as an opportunity to take your life in a different direction, to take a different route – a better route - trusting that life  doesn’t happen TO us, it happens FOR us.  

I call it making lemonade when life hands you lemons.

Isn’t that exciting?  To know that you’re in the driver’s seat and that you get to decide how you’re going to experience your road trip?  That no matter where the road leads, you’re going to have a blast, seeing new sights and discovering places you never even dreamed existed?  The road trip of life really is what you make of it, as clichéd as that sounds.

So as 2016 ends and a new year begins, let’s decide – let’s choose to have an amazing life – no matter the twists and turns and detours – believing that there’s something even better in store for us around the next turn.  Taking in all the new sights and sounds along the way, and knowing that the drive will seem a lot shorter if we allow ourselves to get excited about whether we’re headed now, rather than dwell on where we thought we were going in the first place.

Buckle up – you’re for the ride of your life and 2017 is just beginning! xo

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