Your brain will flip you into “fight, flight, or freeze” on the daily.

This leads to hasty decisions, irrational thinking and overwhelm.

But you don’t have time for that.  You have things to do.

You’re someone’s boss, CEO, employee, daughter, sister, friend.

You’re someone’s mother.

People are counting on you to do the things only you can do.

You don’t have the luxury of pulling the blankets over your head and pretending this is all a bad dream. At least not for long.

This Guide is for those days.

The DIVORCE SURVIVAL KIT is my gift to you. 

It will give you 7 powerful tools you need to take care of YOU, manage the overwhelm, and show up in all the places you need to.

I know you can do hard things… 

These tools help you do one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do.

Enter your details below and get these tools in your hands in minutes!